HI-8585, HI-8586 ARINC 429 Line Driver March 2019 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The HI-8585 and HI-8586 are CMOS integrated circuits designed to directly drive the ARINC 429 bus in an 8-pin package. Two logic inputs control a differential voltage between the output pins producing a +10 volt One, a -10 volt Zero, and a 0 volt Null. The CMOS/TTL control inputs are translated to ARINC specified amplitudes using on board band-gap reference. A logic input is provided to control the slope of the differential output signal. Timing is set by on-chip resistor and capacitor and tested to be within ARINC requirements. The HI-8585 has 37.5 ohms in series with each line driver output. The HI-8586 provides the option to bypass part of the output resistance so that series resistance can be used in external protection circuitry. The HI-8585 or the HI-8586 along with the HI-8588 or the Hi-8591 line receivers offer the smallest options available to get on and off the ARINC bus. SLP1.5 1 TX0IN 2 7 TXBOUT TX1IN 3 6 TXAOUT GND 4 ! Direct ARINC 429 line driver interface in a small package ! On-chip band-gap reference to set output levels ! On-chip line driver slope control and selection by logic input ! ! ! Low current 12 to 15 volt supplies ! ! CMOS / TTL logic pins Plastic and ceramic package options surface mount and DIP Thermally enhanced SOIC packages 5 V- SUPPLY VOLTAGES V+ = 12V to 15V V- = -12V to -15V FUNCTION TABLE TX1IN TX0IN SLP1.5 FEATURES 8 V+ TXAOUT TXBOUT SLOPE 0 0 X 0V 0V N/A 0 1 0 -5V 5V 10ms 0 1 1 -5V 5V 1.5ms 1 0 0 5V -5V 10ms 1 0 1 5V -5V 1.5ms 1 1 X 0V 0V N/A PIN DESCRIPTION TABLE PIN SYMBOL FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 1 SLP 1.5 LOGIC INPUT CMOS OR TTL, V+ IS OK 2 TX0IN LOGIC INPUT CMOS OR TTL 3 TX1IN LOGIC INPUT CMOS OR TTL 4 GND POWER GROUND 5 V- POWER -12 TO -15 VOLTS 6 TXAOUT OUTPUT LINE DRIVER TERMINAL A 7 TXBOUT OUTPUT LINE DRIVER TERMINAL B 8 V+ POWER +12 TO +15 VOLTS Industrial & extended temperature ranges (DS8585 Rev. P) HOLT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS www.holtic.com 03/19 HI-8585, HI-8586 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Figure 1 is a block diagram of the line driver. The +5V and -5V levels are generated internally using a on-chip bandgap reference. Currents for slope control are set by zener voltages across on-chip resistors. A unity gain buffer receives the internally generated slopes and differentially drives the ARINC line. Current is limited by the series output resistors at each pin. There are no fuses at the outputs of the HI-8585 as exists on the Hi-8382. The TX0IN and TX1IN inputs receive logic signals from a control transmitter chip such as the HI-6010, HI-3282 or HI-8282. TXAOUT and TXBOUT hold each side of the ARINC bus at Ground until one of the inputs becomes a One. If for example TX1IN goes high, a charging path is enabled to 5V on an "A" side internal capacitor while the "B" side is enabled to -5V. The charging current is selected by the SLP1.5 pin. If the SLP1.5 pin is high, the capacitor is nominally charged from 10% to 90% in 1.5s. If SLP1.5 is low, the rise and fall times are 10s. 5V The HI-8585 has 37.5 ohms in series with each output and the HI-8586 has 2 ohms in series with each output. The HI-8586 is for applications where external series resistance is required, typically for lightning protection devices. Both the HI-8585 and HI-8586 are built using high-speed CMOS technology. Care should be taken to ensure the V+ and V- supplies are locally decoupled and that the input waveforms are free from negative voltage spikes which may upset the chip's internal slope control circuitry. "A" SIDE ONE TXAOUT CURRENT CONTROL NULL HI-8585 = 37.5 OHMS HI-8586 = 2 OHMS ZERO -5V TX0IN TX1IN ESD PROTECTION AND VOLTAGE TRANSLATION CONTROL LOGIC SLP1.5 5V "B" SIDE ONE TXBOUT CURRENT CONTROL NULL HI-8585 = 37.5 OHMS HI-8586 = 2 OHMS ZERO CONTROL LOGIC -5V FIGURE 1 - LINE DRIVER BLOCK DIAGRAM 5V 1 HARDWIRED OR DRIVEN FROM LOGIC { 2 8 4 APPLICATION INFORMATION ARINC Channel 3 Figure 2 shows a possible application of the HI-8585/86 interfacing an ARINC transmit channel from the HI-6010. VCC TESTA ROUTA TESTB ROUTB 6 RXD1 7 RXD0 HI-8588 RINA HI-6010 RINB 5 15V 1 6 ARINC Channel 7 V+ SLP1.5 TXAOUT TX1IN HI-8585 TXBOUT GND 4 8 BIT BUS 8 TX0IN 3 2 TXD1 TXD0 V- 5 -15V FIGURE 2 - APPLICATION DIAGRAM HOLT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 2 HI-8585, HI-8586 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltages V+.................................+11.4V to +16.5V V-.................................. -11.4V to -16.5V Voltages referenced to Ground Supply voltages V+ .................................................. 20V V- .................................................. -20V Temperature Range Industrial .............-40C to +85C Extended ...........-55C to +125C DC current per input pin ............... +10mA Power dissipation at 25C plastic DIP .......... 1.0W, derate 10mW/C ceramic DIP ........ 0.5W, derate 7mW/C NOTE: Stresses above absolute maximum ratings or outside recommended operating conditions may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. Operation at the limits is not recommended. Solder Temperature (Reflow) .......... 260C Junction Temperature ...................... 175C Storage Temperature ...... -65C to +150C DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS V+ = +12V to +15V, V- = -12V to -15V, T A = Operating Temperature Range (unless otherwise stated) PARAMETERS SYMBOL Input voltage (TX1IN, TX0IN, SLP1.5) high low VIH VIL Input current (TX1IN, TX0IN, SLP1.5) source sink IIH IIL TEST CONDITIONS VIN = 0V VIN = 5V MIN TYP MAX UNITS 2.1 - - V+ 0.5 volts volts - - 0.1 0.1 mA mA 10.00 -10.00 0 11.00 -9.00 0.50 volts volts volts ARINC output voltage (Differential) one zero null VDIFF1 VDIFF0 VDIFFN no load; TXAOUT - TXBOUT 9.00 no load; TXAOUT - TXBOUT -11.00 no load; TXAOUT - TXBOUT -0.50 ARINC output voltage (Ref. to GND) one or zero null VDOUT VNOUT no load & magnitude at pin no load 4.50 -0.25 5.00 0 5.50 0.25 volts volts SLP1.5 = V+ TX1IN & TX0IN = 0V: no load TX0IN & TX1IN = 0V: no load -14.0 6.0 -6.0 14.0 - mA mA - 37.5 - 2 ohms ohms Operating supply current V+ VARINC output impedence HI-8585 HI-8586 IDD IEE ZOUT HOLT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 3 HI-8585, HI-8586 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS V+ = 15.0V, V- = -15V, T A = Operating Temperature Range (unless otherwise stated) SYMBOL PARAMETERS Line Driver propagation delay TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS - 500 500 - ns ns SLP 1.5 = V+ pin 1 = logic 1 1.0 pin 1 = logic 1 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 s s SLP 1.5 = GND pin 1 = logic 1 pin 1 = logic 1 5.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 15.0 s s - - 10 pF defined in Figure 3, no load Output high to low Output low to high t phlx t plhx Line Driver transition times High Speed Output high to low Output low to high t fx t rx Low Speed Output high to low Output low to high t fx t rx Input capacitance (1) logic CIN Notes: 1. Guaranteed but not tested 5V 0V pin 3 t phlx t plhx t plhx 5V 0V pin 2 t phlx t rx t rx VDIFF pin 6 - pin 7 10V 0V -10V 90% 10% 10% 90% 10% t fx t fx FIGURE 3 - LINE DRIVER TIMING HOLT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 4 HI-8585, HI-8586 PACKAGE THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM ARINC LOAD 9, 10 PACKAGE STYLE 1 8 Lead Plastic DIP 8 Lead Plastic ESOIC 5 8 Lead Plastic ESOIC 6 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 2 ARINC 429 DATA RATE Ta = 25 C Ta = 85 C Ta=125 C Ta = 25oC Ta = 85oC Ta=125oC Low Speed 3 16.8 17.2 16.9 58 116 157 High Speed 4 27.3 26.7 25.9 75 132 169 Low Speed 17.4 17.5 16.9 68 126 166 High Speed 27.6 27.1 25.9 97 147 186 Low Speed 17.1 17.2 16.7 52 110 151 High Speed 27.3 27.1 26.2 57 112 157 o o o JUNCTION TEMP, Tj (C) TXAOUT and TXBOUT Shorted to Ground 7, 8, 9, 10 PACKAGE STYLE 1 8 Lead Plastic DIP 8 Lead Plastic ESOIC 5 8 Lead Plastic ESOIC 6 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 2 ARINC 429 DATA RATE Ta = 25 C Ta = 85 C Ta=125 C Ta = 25oC Ta = 85oC Ta=125oC Low Speed 3 53.6 50.7 52.2 131 181 217 4 46.9 38.7 42.5 135 181 219 46.4 47.6 68.1 167 191 221 High Speed 42.1 43.8 67.1 177 212 223 Low Speed 48.5 45.6 46.1 112 161 186 High Speed 46.8 41.1 40.5 116 168 197 High Speed Low Speed o o o JUNCTION TEMP, Tj (C) Notes: 1. All data taken in still air on devices soldered to single layer copper PCB (3" X 4.5" X .062"). 2. At 100% duty cycle, 15V power supplies. For 12V power supplies multiply all tabulated values by 0.8. 3. Low Speed: Data Rate = 12.5 Kbps, Load: R = 400 Ohms, C = 30 nF. 4. High Speed: Data Rate = 100 Kbps, Load: R = 400 Ohms, C = 10 nF. Data not presented for C = 30 nF as this is considered unrealistic for high speed operation. 5. 8 Lead Plastic ESOIC (Thermally enhanced SOIC with built in heat sink). Heat sink not soldered to the PCB. 6. 8 Lead Plastic ESOIC (Thermally enhanced SOIC with built in heat sink). Heat sink soldered to the PCB. 7. Similar results would be obtained with TXAOUT shorted to TXBOUT. 8. For applications requiring survival with continuous short circuit, operation above Tj = 175C is not recommended. 9. Data will vary depending on air flow and the method of heat sinking employed. 10. Current values are per supply. HEAT SINK - ESOIC PACKAGES An 8-pin thermally enhanced SOIC package is used for the HI-8585/HI-8586 products. The ESOIC package includes a metal heat sink located on the bottom surface of the device. This heat sink should be soldered down to the printed circuit board for optimum thermal dissipation. The heat sink is electrically isolated from the chip and can be soldered to any ground or power plane. However, since the chip's substrate is at V+, connecting the heat sink to this power plane is recommended to avoid coupling noise into the circuit. HOLT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 5 HI-8585, HI-8586 ORDERING INFORMATION HI - 85XX xx x x PART NUMBER LEAD FINISH Tin / Lead (Sn / Pb) Solder Blank 100% Matte Tin (Pb-free, RoHS compliant) F PART NUMBER TEMPERATURE RANGE FLOW BURN IN I -40C TO +85C I No T -55C TO +125C T No M -55C TO +125C M Yes PART NUMBER PACKAGE DESCRIPTION PD 8 PIN PLASTIC DIP (8P) 8 PIN PLASTIC NARROW BODY ESOIC (8HNE) 8 PIN CERDIP (8D) not available Pb-free PS CR PART NUMBER OUTPUT SERIES RESISTANCE BUILT-IN REQUIRED EXTERNALLY 8585 37.5 Ohms 0 8586 2 Ohms 35.5 Ohms Legend: ESOIC - Thermally Enhanced Small Outline Package (SOIC) with built-in heat sink HI - 8585 PS I - N PART NUMBER LEAD FINISH Tin / Lead (Sn / Pb) Solder - No heat-sink N PART NUMBER I -40C TO +85C PART NUMBER PS FLOW BURN IN I No PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 8 PIN PLASTIC NARROW BODY SOIC (8HN) PART NUMBER 8585 TEMPERATURE RANGE OUTPUT SERIES RESISTANCE BUILT-IN REQUIRED EXTERNALLY 37.5 Ohms 0 Legend: SOIC - Small Outline Package (No Heat-Sink) HOLT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 6 HI-8585, HI-8586 REVISION HISTORY P/N DS8585 Rev Date M N 05/08/08 09/09/11 O P 02/08/17 03/11/19 Description of Change Clarified temperature ranges and added HI-8585PSI-N to Ordering Information Replaced references of setting ARINC output levels with zener diodes to using a band-gap reference circuit. Update package drawings. Update solder reflow temperature. Add Tjmax to Absolute Maximum Ratings. HOLT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 7 HI-8585 / HI-8586 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 8-PIN PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE (ESOIC) - NB (Narrow Body, Thermally Enhanced) Top View 0.175 0.075 (0.007 0.003) 4.90 BSC (0.193) 6.00 BSC (0.236) PIN 1 millimeters (inches) Package Type: 8HNE Bottom View 3.048 0.305 (0.120 0.012) 3.90 BSC (0.154) 0.410 0.100 (0.016 0.004) 2.235 0.305 (0.088 0.012) Electrically isolated heat sink pad on bottom of package SEE DETAIL A 1.25 (0.049)min Connect to any ground or power plane for optimum thermal dissipation 0 to 8 BSC = "Basic Spacing between Centers" is theoretical true position dimension and has no tolerance. (JEDEC Standard 95) 1.27 BSC (0.50) 0.075 0.075 (0.003 0.003) 0.835 0.435 (0.033 0.017) DETAIL A 8-PIN PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE (SOIC) - NB (Narrow Body) millimeters (inches) Package Type: 8HN 4.90 BSC (0.193) 0.175 0.075 (0.007 0.003) 6.00 BSC (0.236) PIN 1 3.90 BSC (0.154) See Detail A 0.41 0.10 (0.016 0.004) 1.25 (0.049) min. 0 to 8 BSC = "Basic Spacing between Centers" is theoretical true position dimension and has no tolerance. (JEDEC Standard 95) 1.27 BSC (0.050) 0.175 0.075 (0.007 0.003) 0.835 0.435 (0.033 0.017) HOLT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 8 Detail A HI-8585 / HI-8586 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 8-PIN PLASTIC DIP inches (millimeters) Package Type: 8P .385 .015 (9.799 .381) .250 .010 (6.350 .254) .100 BSC (2.54) .300 .010 (7.620 .254) .025 .010 (.635 .254) .135 .015 (3.429 .381) .1375 .0125 (3.493 .318) .0115 .0035 (.292 .089) .019 .002 (.483 .102) .055 .010 (1.397 .254) .335 .035 (8.509 .889) BSC = "Basic Spacing between Centers" is theoretical true position dimension and has no tolerance. (JEDEC Standard 95) 8-PIN CERDIP inches (millimeters) Package Type: 8D .380 .004 (9.652 .102) .005 min (.127 min) .248 .003 (6.299 .076) .039 .006 (.991 .154) .100 BSC (2.54) .015 min (.381min) .200 max (5.080 max) .314 .003 (7.976 .076) Base Plane .010 .006 (.254 .152) Seating Plane .163 .037 (4.140 .940) .056 .006 (1.422 .152) .018 .006 (.457 .152) BSC = "Basic Spacing between Centers" is theoretical true position dimension and has no tolerance. (JEDEC Standard 95) HOLT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 9 .350 .030 (8.890 .762)